Could'nt find too many yo mama "white" jokes floatin around. But here's a few...
Yo mama so white, she gets a sunburn standing in front of the TV.
Yo mamma so white, when she goes joggin through her suburban neighborhood at night, there's no need for her to wear anything relfective.
Yo mama so white, she makes Queen look like Queen Latifah.
Yo mama so white, she makes Michael Jackson look black.
Yo momma is so white, they use her in light houses to guide ships in at night.
Yo mamma is like a toilet; fat, white, and smells like poop.
Yo mama so white, she gets sunburn from a 40 watt light bulb.
Yo mama so white, you don't need a night light.
Yo mama so white the sunlight reflects off of her.
Yo mama so white when she visited the whitehouse she got lost.
Yo mama so white, when she gets naked, yo daddy's retinas burn.
If you know of any more, post a comment with the joke and I'll add it.
Labels: yo mama so white
Yo Mama So White she don't need an mask four halloween she already looks like a ghost